How strong is your personal brand?

The key takeaways from Kamila’s workshop are:-

1. Key components of personal brand and your value proposition

2. Why congruence and authenticity are key to your brand success

3. 4Cs formula to a killer personal brand that will transform your reputation.

4.How to promote your brand

Do you dream of building a high performing team, with the right culture?

Tina’s workshop explains:

1. How to overcome typical challenges leaders face.

2. How to transform while building organisational and individual resilience.

3. How to emerge from change with super-charged courage, confidence and capability.

Are your fears holding you back?

Learn about Goal Setting, Procrastination and Mental Fitness

The key takeaways from Trish’s workshop are:-

1. Deeper self-awareness.

2. Evaluate the cost of your inner critics

3. Improved social awareness.

Do you feel under valued and underpaid?

Kistin’s workshop will teach you practical ways to:

1. Calculate your value

2. Increase your earning potential

3. Position your salary increase request

4. Steps after a salary discussion
