Are you frustrated, overwhelmed or unappreciated?
Challenged by restructuring, job opportunities, boredom or your work environment.
Make the leap and access the support you need through mentoring
Gain clarity, focus & achieve!

A mentor, especially one that you hire, is someone who will give you the unfiltered, unbiased advice you need most. A mentor is someone who has the experience, expertise, or skills that you wish to acquire. And they come with loads of useful connections.
- 84% said mentors had helped them avoid costly mistakes ( Harvard Business Review)
- 69% were making better decisions (Harvard Business Review)
- 70% believed they were more effective because they developed & shared their goals with their mentors. (Harvard Business Review)
- 71% of Fortune 500 companies have mentoring programs. Why? Because investing in leadership capability pays off in performance, productivity and innovation (Centre for Workplace Leadership 2016)
- Mentees were promoted five times more often than those not in the program; and retention rates were much higher for mentees (72%) (Gartner 2006)
85% of our mentees have achieved:- promotion, new job, pay rise, job satisfaction

This is a mentoring taster, designed to enable you to experience mentoring. It is a one-off where you spend 1 hour with an experienced leader or business owner.
A chance to gain an unbiased view and different perspectives on your challenges. These run regularly in numerous locations and online.
Review y
our choices on our event site. Tickets $20.

Choose to fulfil your potential by working in a team. Explore the things holding you back & gain CLARITY on what you need to do. Understand your skill gap. Learn to network up. Develop your plans. Be held accountable to ensure you achieve your goals.
Find your cheer squad.
Monthly 2 hour sessions.
Are you ready to be a Mentor?
Stand out from your peers with accreditation.
Ensure you have the skills and tools you need with the Mentor Masterclass.
Explore best practices
The latest information.
Learn active Listening
Learn problem-solving frameworks
Complete the case studies
This is a certified program that requires you to have 10 years of experience.

Looking for a Company Solution?
Explore the most cost-effective way to impact your culture
Explore a range of solutions to suit your needs with our Partner organisation Business in Mentoring
- Self-managed Program untilising scaleable platform
- Customised Programs
- Mentor Masterclass – certification for your Mentors
- Outsourced Mentors

What our mentees say…
Working with Kistin keeps me sane and reminds me of what my main focus is (it can be easy to lose focus with competing priorities).
Most importantly, she provides me with the right contacts to support me and get my job done.
If you think you don’t need a mentor – you probably do! We all are great at providing advice/coaching others but don’t take heed of it ourselves -having that mirror reflected back is really good to just take a moment and reflect on where you are going and what it is you want to achieve.
My mentor did exactly that for me which I appreciated!
I am feeling energised with a clarity of purpose and a path forward which is a fantastic outcome of working with Jo! Her ‘supportive provocateur’ style has really worked for me. It is like knowing you have someone in your corner who completely ‘has your back’ while also pushing you to get out there and achieve what you set out to do…and more. Why not?! I can just hear her saying that…:) I leave our discussions with new concepts to ponder and a sense of pushing my aspirations beyond where I started. And there is just loads of practical, hands on advice along the way which is appreciated in a time of needing to make a lot of decisions. Most of all, the support feels like it comes from a very authentic place of giving in order to foster the success of others…