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An interview with Nina Hargrave, Founder

Nina Hargrave is constantly curious about the way our brains process scent and how this can affect our health in positive ways. Her goal is to advocate the transformative power of daily mindfulness practice and the positive impact scent can have in enhancing self- awareness and emotional health. These drive the growth of her business Serene Body Health.
But Why?
“The fusion of natural scent, mindfulness and nurturing one’s emotional health and self-awareness is the key driver for Serene Body Health. I am constantly curious about the way our brains process scent and how this can affect our health in positive ways. I have a fascination in neuroscience, meditation and formulating natural scents to benefit people’s health. My goal is to advocate the transformative power of a daily mindfulness practice and the role natural scent can have in enhancing self-awareness and affecting emotional health in a positive way. My goal is to encourage a focus on the way we feel rather than the way we look and help educate and empower people to make healthier choices with their scented products.
Another big driver is offering education on the topic of perfume and helping people understand that the majority of perfumes on the current market are incredibly toxic and hormonally disruptive. And synthetic fragrances can have lists of unknown toxic chemicals not listed on the labels that people just don’t know about! They simply come under the umbrella words ‘fragrance’ or ‘parfum’. I am also a big believer and lover of aromatherapy and all the healing properties of plants. I love the connection with nature and this comes from my younger days of being a horticulturist. My love of plants and my fascination with the health benefits of plants has always been another big driver for me.”
Question. “Can you describe a defining moment in your career when you realised the importance of your ‘Why’ in achieving your goals?”
I realised that one of my passions within my work was the formulation process and I loved it so much that I started approaching people who I wanted to work with, asking them if they would like me to create a scent for them. When this process felt so natural and smooth, and they responded in such a positive way, I realised I was onto a good thing! This also gave me confidence in my formulating abilities, as I have always formulated my own products. Another powerful ‘realisation’ moment occurred when I got involved in a short youth support program designed to assist young teens with their self-care practices. I travelled to NSW and donated my time to be part of the program. I offered a meditation session using my products as a supportive self-care tool and gave each one of the attendees a roll-on perfume oil to take home with them. This for me was so rewarding that I knew I wanted to do more of this type of work. It resonated with me because I had trouble with anxiety as a teenager. I also created my original aromatherapy range to help support me during difficult times in my life, particularly when I lost my mother and sister to illnesses, my sister’s being a mental health issue. I knew supporting mental health and regulating emotional well being was an important part of not only my own personal journey but also the brand’s message.