Boost Your SME Success with Our Dynamic Business Accelerator Program!

Elevate Your Business Journey: Leap from Beginner to Expert! It’s time to supercharge your success as an SME owner. Our Business Accelerator Program is expertly crafted to transition you from trial and error to seasoned expertise.

What Does the Program Offer?

🚀 Entrepreneurship Essentials: Master the fundamentals of business ownership.

🚀 Business Management: Navigate the complexities of running a thriving SME.

🚀 Marketing Strategies & Networking: Forge powerful connections and market your business with impact.

🚀 Digital Marketing & E-commerce: Excel in the digital marketplace.

🚀 Operations & Pricing Strategies: Optimize your business operations and pricing for peak performance.

🚀Communication & Time Management: Enhance your productivity and business communication.

🚀Customer Service & Supply Chain Mastery: Deliver exceptional service and streamline your supply chain.

🚀  Financial Management: Keep your business financially sound and prosperous.

How Does It Work?

  1. Learn Online: Embrace state-of-the-art business knowledge at your convenience.
  2. Practice & Implement: Put your new skills to work in real-world scenarios.
  3. Debrief in Groups: Exchange insights and learn from fellow entrepreneurs.
  4. Mentoring & Community: Gain fresh perspectives and grow in a supportive network.

Amanda Carr Veronica





and the art of

Bending Like





By Amanda Campbell Founder of Bend Like Bamboo

What we think, how we feel and what we believe is what matters. It determines our stress levels, our ability to optimise our wellbeing and our performance. That is because when we are stressed, we become more rigid, close-minded, we focus on the negative, we are no longer solution-focused or our best selves.

After my own diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis at age 24 and overcoming a left-hand side body paralysis at age 29, my journey led to discovering an inner anchor within me that allowed me to adapt. Helping others I discovered that a flexible mindset impacts everything that matters: our body’s ability to repair, how happy and resilient we are and how connected we feel.

We all have a story, and we will have events that happen in our lives that will shake us, turn our words upside down and completely transform who we are.

If we can practise flexibility in our minds, bodies and lives, we can be more adaptable and open to change when we are stressed, when we want to give up, or when we want to give in.

I believe that these are the moments that matter; who we are in these moments can change the trajectory of our lives, our ability to reach our fullest potential and intimately our well-being.

I believe that flexibility builds resilience in people and building resilience in our mindset improves our physical wellbeing. With this elevated mindset, we can reimagine what can be possible in our minds, bodies and lives.

Available in-person and online, The Bend Like Bamboo program is customisable for individuals, schools, and workplaces nationally. The book is now available online.

