From Ordinary to Luxury
By Elva Li
Several years ago, I was trying to sell my services for $500 per package, tirelessly chasing for my next client. Today, my pricing ranges between $10,000 and $50,000. My brand attracts dream premium clients to me, with 5-figure days becoming the new norm.
Of course, I’m dedicated to honing my mastery during the years, but what made a massive shift was when I started to own who I am and be unapologetic about what I do, my craft, my desires, and my vision. It’s a journey of transformation from ordinary to luxury, from internal identity level to external brand.
I stopped playing small, discounting myself, minimizing myself, and worrying about what people might think of me and instead started to acknowledge my mastery and desire to create luxury. I see me as luxury and I see my clients as luxury. I crowned myself as the “Luxury Branding Queen” and ignited my embodied and feminised luxury brand.
Luxury isn’t found in a water-downed version of someone else’s brand; it isn’t found in following a cookie-cutter approach to building your business; it isn’t found in following others’ mass market strategies. That is being “ordinary”.
Luxury is the unleashing of your authentic essence. It’s about unshakable belief, audacious authenticity, and the willingness to take up space. It’s about leading with power, knowing, and self-trust. It’s the frequency of luxury. Luxury doesn’t chase. It magnetises and pulls you in. The reason people buy from you is because of the magnetism around you.
This journey is a beautiful reminder to be unapologetically you. It’s a story of transformation that has birthed my unique luxury femme brand model, where authenticity meets sophistication, and the magnetic pull of true self is the ultimate key to success. The world doesn’t need another “her”. The world needs YOU.