by Emma Carter | Jan 12, 2022
What Does it Mean to Lead With Confidence? As a leader you are influencing people to work towards organisational goals. This is no easy task, especially when you wonder if you have what it takes.Whether you work in business or the not-for-profit sector, leadership...
by Emma Carter | Jan 12, 2022
JULIE HYAM-ELLIOT Business Growth Strategist I have extensive experience in many industries and areas of business and finance and I am passionate about guiding Corporations,entrepreneurs, small businesses and individuals looking to build an exciting future. SERVICES...
by Business in Heels | Jan 12, 2022
Sherren Edkins Consulting Courage to grow | Focus to succeed | Inspire to lead People are an organisation’s most valuable asset – an investment in people is an investment in an organisation’s future. Sherren Edkins Consulting can unlock the immense potential of your...
by Business in Heels | Jan 12, 2022
The change you want to see To reignite people and teams so that they can perform with greater impact. Tina Daisley is a people and performance coach for individuals and teams, so that they can perform with greater impact. My business is about helping people and teams...
by Lisa Sweeney | Jan 7, 2022
Reimagine the way your people connect to THRIVE and GROW One THIRD of your LIFE is spent AT WORK. The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. But how many of those hours are enjoyable and feel like you’re fulfilled and thriving? It’s safe to...