Boost Your SME Success with

The Business Accelerator Program!

Elevate Your Business Journey: Leap from Beginner to Expert! It’s time to supercharge your success as an SME owner. Our Business Accelerator Program is expertly crafted to transition you from trial and error to seasoned expertise.

What Does the Program Offer?

🚀 Entrepreneurship Essentials: Master the fundamentals of business ownership.

🚀 Business Management: Navigate the complexities of running a thriving SME.

🚀 Marketing Strategies & Networking: Forge powerful connections and market your business with impact.

🚀 Digital Marketing & E-commerce: Excel in the digital marketplace.

🚀 Operations & Pricing Strategies: Optimize your business operations and pricing for peak performance.

🚀Communication & Time Management: Enhance your productivity and business communication.

🚀Customer Service & Supply Chain Mastery: Deliver exceptional service and streamline your supply chain.

🚀  Financial Management: Keep your business financially sound and prosperous.

How Does It Work?

  1. Learn Online: Embrace state-of-the-art business knowledge at your convenience.
  2. Practice & Implement: Put your new skills to work in real-world scenarios.
  3. Debrief in Groups: Exchange insights and learn from fellow entrepreneurs.
  4. Mentoring & Community: Gain fresh perspectives and grow in a supportive network.

Amanda Carr Veronica



Gluten-Free Baking to Business Success:

Simone’s Story

Simone Gugliandolo had a dream of starting her own business that would cater to the needs of people with coeliac disease and gluten intolerance. She wanted to offer delicious and healthy products that would make gluten-free living easier and more enjoyable. However, she faced many challenges and uncertainties along the way. That’s when she applied for and received a scholarship for the Business in Heels Business Accelerator Program. The program that provides support and guidance to women entrepreneurs and is funded by the City of Greater Geelong. “My experience with Business in Heels proved to be transformative in turning my dreams into reality,” she says.
A Vibrant and Supportive Community
One of the benefits of joining Business in Heels was the opportunity to connect with other like-minded individuals who shared a passion for business and empowerment. Simone attended networking events, mentor mornings, and online resources that helped her learn from the experiences and insights of other women entrepreneurs. She also found a supportive ecosystem that nurtured her growth and development in every aspect of entrepreneurship. “I was welcomed into a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who shared a passion for business and empowerment,” she says.
A Pivotal Step in Positioning the Business
Another benefit was the assistance in refining and rebranding her business. Simone initially started with the name “Smash Coeliac,” but through insightful consultations and branding workshops, she realized the potential for a more resonant and inclusive brand. With their assistance, she rebranded to “Amazed Gluten Free,” a name that better encapsulates the essence and mission of her business. “This rebranding was a pivotal step in positioning my business more effectively in the market and attracting a broader audience,” she says.
A Comprehensive Pricing Guide
The guidance in creating a comprehensive pricing guide for her products and services was pivotal. She learnt that her initial product idea of bread would not net her the return she sought that has led to branch into scones, cannolis and lemon biscuits that are driving her success today. “I gained invaluable insights into pricing strategies, market analysis, and value propositions,” she says.
A Grateful and Empowered Entrepreneur
Simone is deeply grateful to the City of Greater Geelong  and Business in Heels.  She says, “My experience with Business in Heels has been nothing short of transformative.” 

Today she is busy fulfilling orders for parties, restaurants and local wholesalers. And she is proudly one of a few businesses certified by Coeliac Australia as Gluten-free.
