A Journey of Tenacity

Nicole Tumiati, Partner at Hall & Wilcox

For Nicole her career to become a partner has been a journey of tenacity. Whilst she believes her road to becoming a partner at a law firm has been longer as result of working overseas and having a family, these experiences have also prepared her to make the most of her opportunities.

Becoming a partner in a law firm is not easy. Despite 65% of law students being female there is still a promotional issue with only 33.5% of women making partners as surveyed by AFR(SOURCE).  According to Nicole this is changing as more women make it through the pipeline.  At Hall and Wilcox “in our last partnership round, we promoted seven female partners meaning the firm had achieved its target of minimum 40% female representation in the partnership by 2025”, says Nicole.

“The increased acceptance of flexibility has been a complete game changer”,

Nicole Tumiati

What is it that you love about your work?

Nicole is a transactional lawyer who describes her strengths as negotiation and project management. Her happy place is when she is working collaboratively with her colleagues to solve problems for clients.  In describing her work;  “It’s the opportunity to assist clients with what is often a significant transaction in the context of their business” that she likes.

Has the law become more female friendly since you started?

“The increased acceptance of flexibility has been a complete game changer”, says Nicole. In her imagination when she started law, she expected balancing work and family to be much more difficult than it actually is, noting that working at a firm that genuinely supports flexible working is key.

“I think that finding the right balance between work and family and friends is a priority for most people, regardless of gender.”

What advice would you give to your younger self & upcoming lawyers?

Getting exposure working with people in different countries and different types of deals has given Nicole a great experience and connections.   If she could speak to her younger self, “it would be to spend more time nurturing the relationships and connections made at all stages of your career”.

How has her tenacity helped her?

“I believe that, whilst there are people who are naturally more adept at things like business development and networking, these are skills that can be learnt.”  But, according to Nicole, you do need to be persistent and consistent.

She notes that others she now mentors struggle with networking, often hesitating to make contact because they are unsure of how it will be taken. According to Nicole, provided that you focus on how you can genuinely help others, people are usually open and receptive.

