Every woman is a Goddess, sometimes she just needs a bit of help to find her again!
Oftentimes we leave little time for self care because we tell ourselves we’re busy. We don’t make time for health, we have little motivation to cook or exercise, you’ve gained weight but don’t know why (or perhaps you do), your PMS has gotten worse, your skin and hair are dry and dull, you stress eat or you just don’t know how to balance it all.
It’s a big step to decide that YOU are important and that YOU need support. Far too often we give so much of ourselves to others, that there’s little energy left for us to give anything to ourselves.
It’s time for you to change that. It’s time for you to make time for YOU.
SERVICES : Health Coaching | The Busy Woman’s 5 Day Hormone Rest | 6 Week Sugar Detox

Meet Sharan Kafoa.
My goal is that women everywhere get the information they deserve, and need, to make the best decisions for themselves, and to help them figure out how to make health work for them, on a daily basis.
WEBSITE : https://www.preservethegoddess.com/