Our aim is to support you to develop a strong and successful approach to grants
Only 35% of Australian businesses’ access Government Grant Funding and Program Initiatives that could greatly assist with their Business Growth and help fund Future Projects.
Melrose International knows how to best access well over 4,000 funding opportunities for Australian Businesses’, Non for Profits and Individuals. More importantly, Melrose International educates its clients in switching their thinking around funding to obtain a greater Grant Mindset.
What are Government Grants?
Grants are a method for a Government to enact their policy within a specific area or within an industry and tend to fund specific projects, not overall core functions or day to day operations of a business.
Government has a need to stimulate activity throughout the national economy and seeks to achieve this outcome by encouraging business to invest in their own business projects particularly in research and development, service and product development, production capability and new infrastructure and technology.
Therefore, it is important to think about and approach your grant funding needs in terms of a specific project and expand beyond what you may require specifically and consider how your success may have a positive impact and flow on effect into the community and eco systems of other business.
SERVICES : Grant Profile | Export Marketing Development Grant | Research & Development Grant | Grant Strategy | Grant Writing | Government Engagement Strategy

Meet Madonna Melrose
Director of Melrose International, Madonna Melrose, has experienced first-hand most facets of the business world throughout her career. It is this expertise, coupled with her highly qualified team, that brings a sharpened edge to her approach to business and the government grant space.
Madonna’s tremendously diverse capabilities will serve you best as she knows what to look for in all areas of your business in order to maximise your opportunities when approaching the grant space.
Melrose International’s direct exposure to government bodies at all times and the alignment with key people of influence,elevates her and her team to the forefront of government changes and policies that effect the grant landscape
WEBSITE : https://melroseinternational.com.au/