Women like you don’t happen often.
Never forget about how rare YOU are.
Acknowledging that you have always put everything and everyone before your own care, self love and support is the most empowering step. Interrupting habits that have been created is the beginning of your new life.
Are you ready to take charge of your health and be the change you want to see? Change is challenging, I know this and have experienced massive change, first-hand. Change can be overwhelming so it is a path that you can navigate with my support. Together, we can create a lifestyle for you, so you thrive.
SERVICES : 1:1 Health Coaching Thrive and Alive | Habit Breaker | Nutrition Kit | Workshops

Meet Sally McGrath
I’m an advocate for wellness and I’m truly passionate about helping clients to be their best.
Through experience and a lifetime passion for health and vitality, I help clients to support themselves along their journey of growth, progress and self-improvement.
WEBSITE : https://healththatheals.com.au/