Is Your Organisation Bias Conscious?
Bronwyn is determined to make bias conscious in the corporate environment. Rather than aiming to eliminate unconscious bias, we should accept we are a result of our environment and inherently biased. We are better served making those biases conscious, and developing targeted strategies to drive successful growth and change.
SERVICES : Speaker | Consultant | Writer

Meet Bron Williams
Working with asylum seekers on the Pacific island of Nauru shook Bronwyn Williams – then a Salvation Army Minister– to the core. With an inherent belief she did not carry personal bias, the alternately confronting and rich experiences created an incredible level of awareness of the significant impact individual and corporate stories have on how we perceive the world.
Realising her own unconscious bias which lay latent through her conservative background growing up in a largely white Australia, Bronwyn fused the insights from Nauru with her diverse career – from teaching children with special needs, leading a school to managing a Salvation Army centre and running a church – to build an innate capacity to see beneath the surface to the behaviours we see, accept and often rally against every day.