Empowering employees through networking across our supportive community

Creating unlimited future for women

Accelerate your career with our educational resources

Empower your career with mentoring

Empowering employees through networking across our supportive community

Creating an unlimited future for women

Empower your career with mentoring

Accelerate your career with our educational resources

3% of CEO’s and 19% of senior leaders are female. (ABS)

Employees mentored are 5 times more likely to receive a promotion.(Gartner) 

85% of positions are found through networking. LinkedIn

Empowering Employees to Achieve.

Female Leaders |Professional women | Female employee | Working Mums  

Business in Heels provides essential services for women to step into their future

Mentoring | Coaching | Education | Job Search | Networking

As an employee, many of us feel stuck, overlooked or impatient with our career progress & some of us feel harassed, bullied and unsafe.

We work to empower you to gain clarity, become focused to achieve through mentoring, coaching,  leadership & career education. Gain the connections you need across our 200,000 strong community. How long do you want to wait? Stress causes all sorts of problems. Imagine your ideal career and what it looks like. Don’t wait for someone else to notice you, take control of your future today.

Become a Member today.

Our favourite quote is, “ If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go with others ”. Unknown

The benefits are immeasurable. Meet like-minded people and gain inspiration, ideas, raise your profile, advance your career and get access to job opportunities.


A gap year program

Launching in Melbourne for 2025

Attend our Events 

Leadership Summit

Access or Become a Mentor

Learn How to Succeed

Leadership Summit Women in retail

Be Inspired & Learn

the best networking group..

Business in Heels is by far, the best networking group – certainly for me – that I’ve come across in years. Each time I join a gathering, I am confident that I will meet interesting, like-minded business women who are curious, thoughtful and respectful. Hallelujah!

Angela Smith

practical & useful

All three workshops I attended the speakers were excellent, and their knowledge A plus and didn’t disappoint.

Ann Carni

I look forward to the next one

Online mentoring with Business in Heels is a great way to share and learn from women from all walks and industries.  It is a great way to meet many women from totally different industries and get to know one of them and share ideas and brainstorm opportunities.  Also good to get their independent perspective.  I felt inspired after attending and look forward to the next one.

Jacqui Ibrahim

we all need a mentor

If you think you don’t need a mentor – you probably do! We all are great at providing advice/coaching others but don’t take heed of it ourselves – having that mirror reflected back is really good to just take a moment and reflect on where you are going and what it is you want to achieve. My mentor did exactly that for me which I appreciated!



Empowering Employees 7

Join the community of Professionals. Connect and follow Professionals in Heels

Empowering Employees 6

Join the community of Professionals. Connect and follow Professionals in Heels