Breaking Barriers: Cassandra Ashworth Becomes One of the Few Female CEOs in the Australian Tech World

In a significant milestone for gender diversity in the Australian tech industry, Rapid Circle Australia recently announced the appointment of Cassandra Ashworth as the new Managing Director (CEO) for the ANZ region. This brings a fresh wave of leadership to Rapid Circle, a global leader in Microsoft Cloud-based solutions, and aligns with the company’s vision for innovation and growth in the market.

Interview with Cassandra Ashworth: Leading the Charge in Tech

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Cassandra Ashworth to discuss her new role as Managing Director (CEO) of Rapid Circle ANZ. With over 25 years of IT enterprise and Microsoft experience, Ashworth’s appointment is a notable achievement in an industry where only 17% of technology companies have a woman serving as CEO​ (StrongDM)​. Her deep connections to the industry, customers, and Microsoft, coupled with a reputation for building high-performance teams, make her a formidable leader poised to drive Rapid Circle into its next growth phase.

Interviewer: Cassandra, congratulations on your new role! How are you feeling about this significant appointment?

Cassandra Ashworth: Thank you! I am incredibly excited and honoured to take on this role at such a pivotal time for Rapid Circle. The tech industry is evolving rapidly, and the demand for Microsoft-based AI and cloud solutions is soaring. I am looking forward to leading our talented team in delivering innovative solutions that drive business transformation and critical outcomes for our clients.

Interviewer: Can you share more about your journey and how it feels to be among the few female CEOs in the tech world?

Cassandra Ashworth: My journey has been one of perseverance and passion for technology. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the best in the industry, and these experiences have shaped my career. Being a female CEO in tech is both a significant responsibility and an opportunity to inspire more women to pursue leadership roles in this field. Gender diversity is crucial for driving innovation, and I am committed to fostering an inclusive environment at Rapid Circle.

Interviewer: What are your immediate priorities as you step into this new role?

Cassandra Ashworth: My immediate focus is on aligning our strategies with the exciting innovations from Microsoft and meeting the growing needs of our customers. Additionally, I am passionate about continuing to build a diverse and inclusive workplace. As a champion for equality and having served on the board of Business in Heels, I understand the importance of elevating women in tech and ensuring we have a leadership team that reflects our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Cassandra Ashworth’s appointment marks a new chapter for Rapid Circle and sets a powerful example for the tech industry. Her leadership and dedication to gender equality are sure to inspire the next generation of female leaders in tech.

To what would you attribute your success?

The short answer it’s all about relationship building, networking and backing myself. Many people have played a part in my success as mentors, sponsors & supporters all helping me to back myself.

How have mentors played a part in your success?

Cassandra openly admits that there have been many mentors in her life supporting her on this road to success. She herself continues to play it forward mentoring many others in turn.

Share with us a pivotal story where mentoring changed the course of your career?

Many years ago, Cassandra had the privilege of being mentored by an incredible woman who was both an author and a lecturer at Melbourne University. At the time, she was feeling stuck in her career, primarily because she realized she was being significantly underpaid compared to her male peers. Despite loving her job and the work she was doing, Cassandra lacked the courage to take action and address the pay disparity.
