In the Service of Others

We would all agree that times are tough, with rising cost of living and less disposable income we are all feeling the pressure. More often than not we spend half an hour online to a call centre trying to resolve the simplest of problems with companies who used to have stores, staff and service. Typical examples range from the ATO, to banks, telcos and the list goes on. So, I want to share with you something that guides me and has enabled me to build lasting relationships. It is  the importance of being of service to others.

Having a service mentality means putting the needs and interests of our customers, employees, and stakeholders above our own. It means listening to their feedback, understanding their challenges, and delivering solutions that exceed their expectations. It means being humble, respectful, and accountable for our actions and decisions. It means being willing to learn, grow, and improve constantly.

It is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do. As a leader, having a service mentality helps you to inspire, motivate, and empower your team. It helps you to build trust, loyalty, and engagement among your followers. It helps you to foster a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence. As a business owner, having a service mentality helps you to attract, retain, and satisfy your customers. It helps you to create value, differentiate yourself from the competition, and achieve sustainable growth.

I believe that having a service mentality is the key to our success as a company. I challenge you to ask yourself every day: how can I serve my customers, employees, and stakeholders better? How can I make a positive difference in the world and how can I leave this person happier?

It like the relentless waves that erode the shore, providing service and supporting others eventually makes a difference.

Take a positive step to be of service today!

Lisa Sweeney

CEO, Business in Heels
