Elevate Your Career with Our Transformative Program!

Congratulations on making a pivotal decision to advance your professional journey! We’re excited to welcome you to a transformative experience that promises to propel your career to new heights.

What Awaits You

Our comprehensive program features eight dynamic lessons, meticulously designed to equip you with invaluable insights and practical tools. You’ll learn to navigate today’s fast-paced professional landscape with confidence and competence.

Flexible Learning at Your Pace

Engage with our online lessons at your convenience. Whether you prefer to study in the morning or late at night, our course fits seamlessly into your schedule.

Experiential Learning

We believe in learning through experience. Each lesson includes personal exercises that challenge you to reflect, analyze, and apply the concepts to real-world scenarios. The more you invest in these exercises, the greater your rewards.

24/7 Support

Our dedicated team of trainers is available around the clock to support you. Whether you have questions, need guidance, or seek encouragement, we’re here for you every step of the way.

Peer Support

You’ll be paired with a buddy who shares your ambitions and understands the challenges you face. Your buddy will be a trusted confidant and sounding board, providing invaluable support and perspective. Regular engagement and debriefing with your buddy will enhance your learning experience.

Personalized Mentoring

Our program includes two mentoring sessions tailored to your specific needs. Use these sessions to dive deeper into topics, address challenges, and chart your path to professional success. Schedule them whenever you need extra guidance or feel stuck.

Unlock Your Full Potential

Prepare to unlock your full potential and accelerate your career growth. We’re excited to witness your journey and see you thrive!

Course Content

  • Painting the Picture: Who Am I?
  • Crafting Your Path: Integrating Lessons into Action
  • On the Inside: Dealing with Your Inner Critic
  • Workplace Dynamics
  • Diplomacy and Influence
  • Managing Others
  • Valuing Your Worth
  • Coaching, Mentoring & Sponsorship

Don’t wait to elevate your career. Join us now and start your transformative journey today!


You can pick and choose your journey by signing up for the whole program including the 2 x Mentoring sessions or simply registering for each Masterclass individually.

The entire program cost $ 3999 

Individual Lessons $449

Painting The Picture : Who Am I?

Course Outline

Masterclass 1, “Painting the Picture: Who Am I?” of the Career Accelerator Program, is a transformative journey aimed at self-discovery and career empowerment. This foundational class explores key concepts such as “Big Rocks,” inspired by Stephen Covey’s framework, urging participants to prioritize main priorities and long-term goals. The module delves into values, distinguishing behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, emphasizing the crucial role of personal values in shaping identity and influencing decisions. The Yes/No List exercise acts as a beacon of clarity for life decisions, focusing on joy and fulfillment. The Strengths Assessment encourages participants to identify and leverage their unique skills, fostering personal and professional growth. Blue-sky thinking, a creative exercise, prompts participants to dream big without constraints, guiding them toward limitless possibilities in both personal and career goals. The module concludes with a call to shape the canvas of one’s future armed with newfound self-knowledge.

Crafting your Path : Integrating Lessons Into Action

In Masterclass 2, we embark on a transformative journey, translating Masterclass 1’s insights into actionable steps. The Skills Gap Analysis provides a roadmap for identifying the disparity between current skills and those needed for career goals, stressing the importance of proactive and ongoing self-improvement. The Personal Brand Audit highlighted the significance of defining brand attributes, conducting regular assessments, and aligning communication and visual representation. Lastly, the Professional Connections Audit emphasizes the strategic nature of networking, underscoring authenticity, consistency, and the need to dedicate time to networking. Armed with these lessons, you’ll be well-prepared to continue your journey of personal and professional growth.

On The Inside: Dealing with Your Inner Critic

In Masterclass 3 of the Career Accelerator Program, is where we explore the internal factors vital for professional growth. From addressing Imposter Syndrome to fostering confidence, navigating work-life balance, and embracing vulnerability, each section offers actionable insights to empower you in your career journey. Recognizing setbacks as inevitable, we provide a six-step guide to overcome challenges and build resilience. Additionally, we delve into the importance of Emotional Intelligence and offer practical tips to enhance it. Remember, professional development is dynamic—embrace these insights, cultivate internal strengths, and thrive in your evolving career journey.

Workplace Dynamics

By the end of this lesson, you will have a deep understanding of the role of company culture in shaping organizational identity and guiding decision-making. You will also gain insights into the spectrum of cultures, from positive to toxic, and the impact they have on organizational well-being and productivity. Additionally, you will learn about the importance of a well-defined corporate culture as a guiding compass that unifies the workforce and fosters a positive work environment. Finally, you will understand the necessity of adapting to cultural differences for effective team management and overall organizational success in today’s diverse world.

Diplomacy & Influence

Masterclass 5: Office Diplomacy and Influence – The Art of Professional Success. This session will guide you through the crucial aspects of navigating office politics, mastering the art of influence to deliver effective presentations, stakeholder management from a big-picture perspective, understanding when and why to speak up, and assessing your career’s return of investment (CROI). We will also explore the power of language in shaping your professional trajectory. These skills and insights will empower you to build strong relationships, influence effectively, and achieve long-term career success while staying true to your values.

Managing Others

Masterclass 6: Managing Others, a pivotal component of our Career Accelerator Program. In this dynamic session, we delve into essential topics crucial for effective leadership and team management. From harnessing Emotional Intelligence to navigating Diversity & Inclusion, and mastering Difficult Conversations, each section is meticulously crafted to equip you with the skills needed to lead with confidence and empathy. We will explore Communication Styles, decipher Team and Individual Motivations, and establish clear Social Contracts, ensuring a harmonious and productive work environment. Join us as we define the boundaries of your role and empower you to become a proficient and inspiring leader.

Masterclass 7
Valuing Your Worth

Masterclass 7: Valuing Your Worth & Self Promotion”! Throughout this session, we’ll explore a comprehensive range of strategies designed to empower you in recognizing your true value and effectively promoting yourself within your professional sphere.

Masterclass 7
Coaching, Mentoring & Sponsorship

Welcome to Masterclass 8: Coaching, Mentoring & Sponsorship.

This lesson is designed to empower individuals with the essential skills and knowledge needed to effectively guide, support, and advocate for others in professional settings. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your leadership capabilities, foster talent within your team, or develop meaningful professional relationships, this masterclass offers comprehensive insights into the distinct but interconnected roles of coaching, mentoring, and sponsorship. Through practical strategies, real-world examples, and interactive exercises, you’ll learn how to unlock potential, inspire growth, and drive success in your organization. Join us as we explore the art and science of nurturing talent and building robust support networks that propel both individual and collective achievement.

Includes the Mentor Masterclass which gives participants global certification as a Mentor ( normally $350)  and the short course on How to Make the Most of being a Mentee (Normally $99).



If you feel you need help or want to book in for one of your two mentoring sessions, then please send a message to Emma Carter at info@businessinheels.com or call her on 0410476085.