Work, Life, Balance & Self-Care – How to Start the Year Right


Life is like riding a bike. You have to set your destination, find your balance, and maintain momentum. Here are three quick tips to start 2023 right so you can enjoy the ride.

Set Your Destination

Chances are, you’re an expert at setting goals but how good are you at achieving them? Statistically, the likelihood of realising your goals is less than 10%.

To set yourself up for success, envision an overarching intention for the year. Whereas a goal is about achieving a future outcome, an intention is about choosing how to live in the present.

By year end, if you’ve lived your intention, your sense of accomplishment will be as much about who you’ve become as what you’ve achieved. Aligning your goals with an inspiring, positive intention will increase the odds of arriving at your desired destination.

Find Your Balance
Whole-life balance starts with prioritising what’s most important to you. Decide where your focus lies and what the ‘road rules’ or boundaries are around your health, work, relationships, leisure and other interests or commitments.

To keep your ‘wheel of life’ balanced, ensure your rest ethic is as good as your work ethic and let your values, not your job, dictate how you expend your time and energy.

Maintain the Momentum
Route 2023 will have its ups and downs. Sometimes you’ll need to change gears or stop and rest. Proactively taking care of yourself and replenishing your internal energy systems will keep you going. What self-care routines can you implement to remain energised not exhausted? How will you pump up your ‘tyres’ when you’re feeling a little flat?


Incorporating wellbeing practices like meditation, Reiki, or yoga, zealously guarding ‘me time’, and partnering with a coach who encourages and supports you will help smooth the ride and ensure you stay the course.

Commit to creating the life you want and make this year’s journey around the sun your most enjoyable and fulfilling yet.
